boston executive headshots

‘About Us’ Pages: 6 Reasons Why You Need Professional Headshots on Your Business Page

After extensive experience taking professional headshots of teams of all kinds, there is one question I encounter quite often:

“Should my business’s ‘About Us’ page have professional headshots on it?”

The quick answer is, yes!

There are quite a few reasons why using professional headshots on a business website is so important.

1. Makes your ‘About Us’ far more personal

The main reason why I encourage professional headshots on a website is simply because of the personal element. With so much emphasis on digital, it seems like companies are not really able to establish a ‘human’ touch to their websites.

‘About Us’ pages are a key way to break that barrier, but having just text on it can seem too impersonal. By placing headshots alongside team members’ introductions, the face of the business becomes much more personal for users, and they are more likely to engage with it.

boston executive headshots

2. Establishes trust and credibility

Businesses face a struggle in building trust and credibility with their users. While having a website is definitely a step in the right direction, that cannot be the only direction. Users tend to lose interest in a faceless business, and may not see it as trustworthy as brands that have their team members’ faces up on the website.

Photos and headshots give more nuance to your brand, and can establish trust while giving your website more dimension.

boston executive headshots

3. Gives a face to your name

As I have mentioned in other posts, these headshots can help humanize your business in an essential way. Customers are used to dealing with faceless emails, and it is easy to get lost in a digital crowd without ever really knowing who is on the other side of the computer. Professional headshots allow your business to cut through the noise and help users understand who they are dealing with.

boston executive headshots

4. Your website becomes your business card

Think of your website as a business card, and as a way to build a connection with prospective audiences. Without headshots, potential and existing customers may not remember your business as easily. Heavy walls of text, without any personal touches, can be a turn-off for users, and it does not help your business be as memorable as it could be. As a business card, your website needs to be easy to navigate, and memorable. The first part is easy, and the second part can be too if you decide to incorporate professional headshots in the website.

boston executive headshots

5. Creates brand recognition

Professional headshots can be very impactful in terms of making a statement, and they can showcase what makes your brand so unique. Many businesses choose to be creative in this process, which can be really fun. Others take a more traditional route, but either way, it gives users more context into your brand and helps them understand your message better.

For example, if your website and brand tend to be more light-hearted, creative and funny headshots can be a standout for users, and ensures brand recognition. Similarly, if your brand is more serious, having traditional headshots taken around your office gives your brand more dimension without losing a professional touch.

boston executive headshots

6. Helps you stand out from your competitors

There is a lot of competition in the marketplace, so how do you differentiate yourself from the crowd? Professional headshots are an easy way to build trust, while showing that your brand has a personality. Standing out from the competition is a challenge for businesses, but there are tools you can use to build a better connection with your customers.

Professional headshots on your website allow you to build on that and show your customers why you are different from the rest. Not only do you become more memorable, but you also get to highlight what makes your business so unique.

boston executive headshots
Donis Perkins